
December 22nd, 2010


One of my Czech associates, Silva and her son Jakub (aka Kubaman), posted some lovely Flickr photographs of their holiday baking:

According to the captions (thank you Google-Translate) these are Gingerbread

They are using a Traditional Central European set of cookie-cutters. How can I tell?





Carpmas Story For Jackie

Authors Note: Back in the late 1970s I was the Rowling/Larrson/Steele/Koontz of the elementary school playground (or at least as far as my friend Jacqueline was concerned) churning out best-non-selling “books” on a weekly basis. The misadventures of my anthropomorphised eggs – Eggy Peggy and Egg Head are legendary (in Jacqueline’s mind).

Jack has been begging for another story for years.

Just for you Jack – Merry Carpmas!


And now… breakfast.


December 21st, 2010

From Charmaine – With apologies to the late T.S. Elliot:


Here is a Haiku submission from fellow Carpmas pioneer, Michelle:


From Cory:


From Leanne:


From Cory again:


From Monique:


Cory’s gibe at my fear of the solstice/eclipse combination:


From the lovely Megan:


From Sarah (who lives in Pisek, Czech Republic – land of Carpy-Christmas!):


Cory saves his best work ’til last:


And from Darling Ricky, driving home from Mammoth Mountain

(it’s okay – his brother was at the wheel):



December 20th, 2010

Unexpected Gift

My friend and former colleague Michelle surprised me with a special Carpmas gift. A gift was completely unnecessary… but incredibly thoughtful of her. Thanks for thinking of me Michelle, and for remembering Carpmas.

Here is (bad) video of my opening the gift:




And here is a (thumbnail) photo:








Unexpected Photographs

Photo submissions of fancy koi environmental decor (in Chinatown I think) from friend Meaghan:

Came to me vertical - I prefer it this way

Life risked - stopped in the middle of the intersection - All for Carpmas!

Unexpected Cookies

A gift on CarpCookie Day from colleague Ruth:

Scotch Shortbread - Fishily Arranged

CarpTale: Orange Likes to Eat

December 19th, 2010

Carpmas 2010 Guest Author: Zoë

(Zoë is six)


December 18th, 2010

CHARMAINE WARNE (1971- ) "Earth Idea Net", 2010, - wire, napkins

In the sculpture entitled Earth Idea Net, Warne explores the action of trapping art conceptions in a rudimentary mesh-like mechanism. Each individual conception is represented by a understated paper dinner napkin on which diagrams, visualisations, and machinations were applied by various means; collage, pencil sketches, staining. Each and very paper idea was a contribution by a unique personage holding a quotidian connection to the artist but given little instruction to the expectations of the art piece or the information to be conveyed by the given napkin – keeping the conception pure. Conceptions were volunteered without query, and the conveyed elation felt by the artist is indisputably passed onto the gallery viewer.

Warne’s choice in materials is perplexing. Is the wire meant to mimic net? Is it an allusion to a pop culture reference connecting chicken and tuna? Does it’s seemingly random placement on the gallery floor reference refuse – a disposal of  fleeting ideas caught in someone else’s detritus?

The artist had this to say about her piece, offering some clarity/insight:

“I asked my co-workers to doodle some fish and potatoes. They didn’t ask why. They just did it. I work with some zany (trusting) people.





Here are close-ups of my zany team’s art work.


L to R, Top to bottom: Bex, Lee1, Lee2, Mike, Cory, Becky, Katie1, Katie2, Conrad, Bonnie, Kelly, Kelsey, Megan, Ruth, Oscar, Linda, and Charmaine


December 17th, 2010

We have been blessed with repeated snow and melt cycles resulting in a yard fulla that packed snow-product resembling styrofoam. The perfect conditions for this project!


  • cut out a carp shaped stencil on heavy paper, preferably card-stock, or better yet cardboard
  • squirt a table-spoon of food-colouring into a clean plant-sprayer
  • add a cup of hot water
  • place stencil on snow and squirt yourself some art

I chose to line my walk with this fishy design. I believe it says to the world:

Welcome! There will be fish served here!”

Stencil on Snow


If it looks as if I hurried, I did. It was minus 12 outside.

Authors note: Choose whatever colour you want… but I’d stay away from colours that occur in nature, such as yellow.

CarpCookie: Berries in a Bathtub

December 16th, 2010

A dessert inspired by the European trick of keeping a carp fresh, by letting it swim in one’s bathtub until you are ready to kill and clean it (seriously – Google it).

Berries in a Bathtub


Instructions in this case are very ephemeral. “I made a batch of meringue using three warm egg whites to which I added one quarter tea-spoon Cream of Tartar, then slowly beat in confectioners sugar (likely about two cups) until it got stiff and held its shape. A piping bag was used to build “tub-like” shapes onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Cook in a very slow oven (110C) until they are dry and solid. They will puff up in the centre, the top/lid of puff was removed with a sharp knife to create a bowl area to house the berries. Woulda tasted better with a bit of vanilla”

There ya go!

CarpStart: 2010

December 15th, 2010

Antique Carpmas Paper-tole

Carpmas Reminders

December 7th, 2010

Refresher for those who have forgotten the main themes of Carpmas:

  • Celebrating what’s really important — friends and family
  • Eating humbly and being grateful
  • Exercising and embracing your creativity

Getting Ready for Carpmas 2010

November 13th, 2010

Already dreaming up ideas for this year’s Carpmas t-shirt:

Red (cotton-poly) Canvas