CarpStart 2016

Welcome to Carpmas Project 2016. I invited my cousin Ann to assist this year. The images that accompany each of the daily poems are manipulated photographs of Ann’s personal carp-companion – her pet goldfish, Frida. Don’t fret; no one is planning on frying up lovely Frida come December 24th, but she did agree (I’m certain she signed a release, although I have yet to receive the fax, maybe it went to the lawyer’s instead?) – to be the subject of my art. 

Frida and Ann live in Manhattan. They are very cultured individuals. 

I hope you (and yours) enjoy this humble season as much as I enjoy putting it together. 




2 Responses to “CarpStart 2016”

  1. Veronica Graff Says:

    Oh I do love this ✨❤ So wonderful to be a part of… Thank you cousin!
    Fab job Mama!! 😘

  2. Ann Darland Says:

    Just found Carpmas. I guess i was waiting for a hint and i got it today. Beautiful job Charmaine. Will check it out and will tell Frieda that she is a star. Yes she is cultured too as i do have art for her to enjoy!