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2013 Christmas Meal

Less of a meal this year and more of an appetizer — but as we are spending Carpmas sitting in our living-room watching Christmas cartoons (Carpmas animated specials have yet to be produced) I thought something snacky would be more appropriate. Supplement with a veggie-tray and chips.

Carpmas Mousse


Blend together (either by hand or electric mixer) one can of fish (I used salmon) 200g of softened cream cheese, one tablespoon lemon juice,one tablespoon cream and a pinch of fresh dill. Serve with something pedestrian, like Ritz crackers. This IS Carpmas after all.

Blend together (either by hand or electric mixer) one can of fish (I used salmon), 200g of softened cream cheese, one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon cream and a pinch of fresh dill. Serve with something pedestrian, like Ritz crackers. 



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