CarpCookie – Crisp-Rice Treat Carp!

This project is inspired by all of the Food Channel dessert-sculpting competitions I watched prior to Halloween. Crisp-Rice Treats seemed to be the fall-back medium whenever a chef couldn’t structurally use pulled sugar, fondant or molding chocolate. Crisp-rice treats are to food art what papier-mâché is to prop-building! 





Here is the link to the brand-name recipe.

Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan. Keeping the burner on lowish-heat melt in 4 cups of miniature marshmallows. When they are completely melted fold in 6 cups of crisp rice cereal. Stir until the cereal is covered.

Turn the cereal mixture onto a working surface. Wait sixty-seconds (as the material is quite hot and I don’t want you to burn yourself — but don’t wait TOO long. It needs to still be warm).

Butter your hands so they don’t stick to the material.

Mold into a fish.

Decorate as you see fit.

Don’t  forget — with Carpmas, less is more!

Slice and serve!




One Response to “CarpCookie – Crisp-Rice Treat Carp!”

  1. Ann Darland Says:

    I love rice crispy treats. Next time i make i will form an image of Frida!