
CHARMAINE WARNE (1971- ) "Earth Idea Net", 2010, - wire, napkins

In the sculpture entitled Earth Idea Net, Warne explores the action of trapping art conceptions in a rudimentary mesh-like mechanism. Each individual conception is represented by a understated paper dinner napkin on which diagrams, visualisations, and machinations were applied by various means; collage, pencil sketches, staining. Each and very paper idea was a contribution by a unique personage holding a quotidian connection to the artist but given little instruction to the expectations of the art piece or the information to be conveyed by the given napkin – keeping the conception pure. Conceptions were volunteered without query, and the conveyed elation felt by the artist is indisputably passed onto the gallery viewer.

Warne’s choice in materials is perplexing. Is the wire meant to mimic net? Is it an allusion to a pop culture reference connecting chicken and tuna? Does it’s seemingly random placement on the gallery floor reference refuse – a disposal of  fleeting ideas caught in someone else’s detritus?

The artist had this to say about her piece, offering some clarity/insight:

“I asked my co-workers to doodle some fish and potatoes. They didn’t ask why. They just did it. I work with some zany (trusting) people.





Here are close-ups of my zany team’s art work.


L to R, Top to bottom: Bex, Lee1, Lee2, Mike, Cory, Becky, Katie1, Katie2, Conrad, Bonnie, Kelly, Kelsey, Megan, Ruth, Oscar, Linda, and Charmaine

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