CarpCookie: Berries in a Bathtub

A dessert inspired by the European trick of keeping a carp fresh, by letting it swim in one’s bathtub until you are ready to kill and clean it (seriously – Google it).

Berries in a Bathtub


Instructions in this case are very ephemeral. “I made a batch of meringue using three warm egg whites to which I added one quarter tea-spoon Cream of Tartar, then slowly beat in confectioners sugar (likely about two cups) until it got stiff and held its shape. A piping bag was used to build “tub-like” shapes onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Cook in a very slow oven (110C) until they are dry and solid. They will puff up in the centre, the top/lid of puff was removed with a sharp knife to create a bowl area to house the berries. Woulda tasted better with a bit of vanilla”

There ya go!

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