
We have been blessed with repeated snow and melt cycles resulting in a yard fulla that packed snow-product resembling styrofoam. The perfect conditions for this project!


  • cut out a carp shaped stencil on heavy paper, preferably card-stock, or better yet cardboard
  • squirt a table-spoon of food-colouring into a clean plant-sprayer
  • add a cup of hot water
  • place stencil on snow and squirt yourself some art

I chose to line my walk with this fishy design. I believe it says to the world:

Welcome! There will be fish served here!”

Stencil on Snow


If it looks as if I hurried, I did. It was minus 12 outside.

Authors note: Choose whatever colour you want… but I’d stay away from colours that occur in nature, such as yellow.

2 Responses to “CarpCraft”

  1. Michelle Says:

    Still trying to get to my fish painting craft….

  2. Charmaine Says:

    I look forward to seeing it!