Carp Poetry

T’was The Night Before Carpmas

A poem submitted by the CFO of the organization I work for, (my supervisor’s supervisor) Marion:

(and damn amazing)


Twas the night before Carpmas and through the waves dark,
Not a fishy was stirring not even a shark.
The conch shells were placed by the reef with great care
In hopes that Big Kahuna soon would be there
The minnow was nestled all cosy in slime
While visions of algae dashed through his mind
Nemo in his shoal and Moby Dick in his pod
Had just settled down for a sleep that was odd
When up in the surf there arose such a splashing
We raced from the sea floor to see what was smashing
Up up to the surface we swam in a flash
Burst through the surface and let out a gasp
The moon on the waves of the stormy aquatic
Gave the lustre of mid-day to a scene so dramatic
And what to our terrified eyes should appear,
But an enormous great net and high tech fishing gear
With a wicked old pirate so quick and lively
I knew in a minute he was Machiavelli
More rapid than sailfish his net it came tumbling
He was skillful and expert – yes there was no fumbling
He whistled and shouted and called out with glee
As he caught in his net all the fish that were free
Now Flipper! Now Puffer! Now Piranha and Catfish
Come Barracuda and swordfish – you’ll make a great dish!
I’ll pull in my nets I have captured you all
The landlubbers carp feast will be a huge ball.
He hauled up his anchor and set sail for land
Leaving behind only waves and the sand.

One Response to “Carp Poetry”

  1. Jody Says:

    that is simply WONDERFUL.

    I am in awe of the talent. I hope Marion makes money from writing??