Archive for the ‘Carpmas Day 7’ Category

Carpmas Poetry

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

A Carpmas Poem by Julie

Let me set the scene: Dark, smoky room, goateed audience (the men anyway…), lotsa finger-snapping and nodding in approval.

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Carpmas Haiku By Michelle

Michelle is a three-year Carpmas Haiku veteran.

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And try to follow me one this one: American Jerry, writes a Japanese Haiku in Swedish, for his Canadian friend Charmaine, so that she may better enjoy her imaginary holiday based loosely on a Czech custom. He also provided the photo of the gummy-fish used in this post, which meant an unexpected and hurried trip to the candy store. Thanks Jer! And Happy Carpmas!

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Translation: Christmas fish like jelly/ No, I do not want lutfisk/ but Swedish fish (the candy)

I concur.


To see the list of haikus that “started it all” click HERE

Another Fish Poem From Josh

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Cyber-buddy Joshua, Poet Laureate of Carpmas.

Keep in mind, I have never met this man:


“Fishy Fishy”


I see heaven in the twirly swirly

Porcelain road

Journey to meet those whose time came early

Via commode

Daddy and daughter shopping

Dead fish walking

Carp Poetry

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

T’was The Night Before Carpmas

A poem submitted by the CFO of the organization I work for, (my supervisor’s supervisor) Marion:

(and damn amazing)


Twas the night before Carpmas and through the waves dark,
Not a fishy was stirring not even a shark.
The conch shells were placed by the reef with great care
In hopes that Big Kahuna soon would be there
The minnow was nestled all cosy in slime
While visions of algae dashed through his mind
Nemo in his shoal and Moby Dick in his pod
Had just settled down for a sleep that was odd
When up in the surf there arose such a splashing
We raced from the sea floor to see what was smashing
Up up to the surface we swam in a flash
Burst through the surface and let out a gasp
The moon on the waves of the stormy aquatic
Gave the lustre of mid-day to a scene so dramatic
And what to our terrified eyes should appear,
But an enormous great net and high tech fishing gear
With a wicked old pirate so quick and lively
I knew in a minute he was Machiavelli
More rapid than sailfish his net it came tumbling
He was skillful and expert – yes there was no fumbling
He whistled and shouted and called out with glee
As he caught in his net all the fish that were free
Now Flipper! Now Puffer! Now Piranha and Catfish
Come Barracuda and swordfish – you’ll make a great dish!
I’ll pull in my nets I have captured you all
The landlubbers carp feast will be a huge ball.
He hauled up his anchor and set sail for land
Leaving behind only waves and the sand.


Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Submitted by my friend Jackie. She and I suffered through Elementary and Junior High School together.

Her poem pays homage to Pierre Lambert, her High School french teacher. The experience couldn’t have been too traumatic as she now teaches french for a living!

She says ” To me carp = Pierre Lambert.  I know almost for a fact the first time I ever heard the word was in his class.”


Her poem:

Carpku Ode:
Oui Monsieur Lambert
Nous sommes des carpes, mouth agape
Ah quel poisson noble
C’est magnifique Jacqueline!








Carp Poem

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

From my American Cyber-buddy Joshua (a man famous for his rhyming Facebook statusi):


The Carp That Thought He Was Crap (hence the dyslexia)


There once was a dyslexic fish of gold

Dreamed of life outside the bowl

Being a brave fish curious and bold

His last gasp was flopping dry and cold