Archive for the ‘Carpmas Day 6’ Category

Carp Fishing Supplies

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

We explore the Pro-Bass Shop (if they knew it was Carpmas, I’m sure they would gladly have renamed it “Pro-Carp”). More photos to follow on photo day (December 21st).

Koi Tank Video

Friday, December 18th, 2009


Let these tiny carp cousins swimming in “over-compressed” captivity relax you!

Carpmas Video

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Tom bought me this toy for Carpmas.

I don’t think it’s a carp… do carp jump for lures?










Carpmas Video

Carp News Stories

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Submitted by Jody, of Latvia.

Jody has actually tasted carp, whereas I have not (carp poser!)

Silver carp found in Mississippi at La Crosse – Chicago Tribune

Tiny carp nibble your toes in fishy pedicure – Skin and beauty-

Deftones – Street Carp – Listen free and discover music at

12.1 kg Heavy Carp Caught In Tērvete – Press releases – For press – LVM – Latvijas Valsts Mezi

A Little Carp Humour

Friday, December 19th, 2008
.(I found this first one… and if someone could explain this to me please…)
A carp walks into a bar. He goes, “Bloop bloopbloop bloop.”
The barman says, “Bloob blop bloop bloop?”
The carp says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise this was a gay bar.”
This next one submitted by friend MIchelle D. :
One day God calls down to Noah and says, “Noah me old china, I want you
to make me a new Ark”.        

Noah replies, “No probs God, me old Supreme Being. Anything you want
after all you’re the guv’

But God interrupts, “Ah, but there’s a catch. This time Noah, I don’t
want just a couple of decks, I want 20 decks one on top of the other”.
“20 DECKS!” screams Noah “Well, OK Big Man, whatever you say. Should I
fill it up with all the animals just like last time?”

“Yep, that’s right, well. Sort of right. This time I want you to fill it
up with fish”, God answers.
“Fish?” queries Noah.
“Yep, fish. Well, to make it more specific Noah, I want carp – wall to
wall, floor to ceiling – Carp!”
Noah looks to the skies. “OK God my old mucker, let me get this right,
you want a New Ark?”
“With 20 decks, one on top of the other?”
“And you want it full of Carp?”
“Why?” Asks the perplexed Noah, who was slowly but surely getting to the
end of his tether.
“Dunno”, says God,

“I just fancied a Multi-Storey Carp Ark”.








And the classic:
A carp walks into a bar and the bartender asks, “What would you like?” the carp says holding his neck,