Archive for the ‘Carpmas Day 3’ Category

Carpmas Year 12: Day 3

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

Carpmas11: Day Three

Monday, December 17th, 2018


Carpmas10: CarpCraft Day

Sunday, December 17th, 2017


CarpCraft Day

Saturday, December 17th, 2016




On the Third Day of Carpmas… CarpCraft

Thursday, December 17th, 2015



Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 7.28.45 AM


Wednesday, December 17th, 2014



Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 12.30.41 PM





CarpCraft Day

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013



Screen Shot 2013-12-14 at 8.06.12 PM

CarpCraft: Pop-Up Card

Monday, December 17th, 2012

I take no credit for this. The pop-up card project is being offered as one of the options in our museum art activity room. The fishy-result was drawn by colleague Marnie, who has kindly let me use her creation in this blog.

Start by folding a 8" x 11" sheet of card stock in half. Cut a slit in the centre, through the folded edge

1) Start by folding a full-sheet of card stock in half. Cut a slit in the centre, through the folded edge, but only part way (as you see above)

Fold up the corners of the cut edge as pictured. Score the new folded edges with a ruler. UNFOLD - flat again (not pictured)

2) Fold up the corners of the cut edge as pictured. Score the new folded edges with a ruler. UNFOLD – flat again (not pictured)

Open the sheet to its full flatness (like an open book) and use you fingers from behind to press the folded triangles out towards you. You have now made a pop-up mouth!

3) Open the sheet to its full flatness (like an open book) and use you fingers from behind to press the folded triangles out towards you. You have now made a pop-up mouth!

Fold the sheet back to it's original half, but leave the "mouth" popped forward. Cut a small slit in the upper folded edge.

4) Fold the sheet back to its original half, but leave the “mouth” popped forward. Cut a small slit in the upper folded edge.


Fold the corners out - in the same manner as Step 2. It will be tricky if the paper is thick. Use a ruler to score the edges.

5) Fold the corners out — in the same manner as Step 2. It will be tricky if the paper is thick. Use a ruler to score the edges.


Unfold the sheet and use your fingers to pop these new folds out and forward to create eyes. If you find it difficult try poking and pulling the end of a pencil through the "eye". The folds will likely follow.

6) Unfold the sheet and use your fingers to pop these new folds out and forward to create eyes. If you find it difficult, try poking and then pulling the end of a pencil through the “eye” towards you. The folds will likely follow.


Paste your mouth to another piece of card stock or construction paper. Draw a fishy body - create a fishy environment, like a lake...  or a Christmas Eve dinner table!

7) Paste your mouth to another piece of card stock or construction paper, being careful to line up the folds in your fish to the folds in the additional paper. Draw a fishy body — create a fishy environment, like a lake… or a Christmas Eve dinner table!



CarpCraft – Thaumatrope

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Celebrate Carpmas AND at the same time — demonstrate the theory of Persistence of Vision OR, more accurately, Phi Phenomenon or Beta Eye-Movement OR in Layman’s Terms (and I love the Layman) an optical illusion that prequels early animation toys of the nineteenth century.



Collect: glue stick, hole punch, two rubber bands, card-stock cut into a 100 mm x 80 mm rectangle, a paper picture-drawing of a carp (on 90 mm x 70 mm paper) and a paper picture-drawing of a platter (on 90 mm x 70 mm paper)


You can color-up you picture-drawings to make them pretty if you wish...


Glue-stick the paper to the card stock — try to centre the drawing as much as possible. IMPORTANT - the image/picture on the rear-side must be pasted upside down in relation to the frontside.


Punch holes through either side and loop in some rubber bands....


Pinch the rubber bands between your fore-fingers and thumbs and twirl. If you twirl at the right speed you should see the illusion of the fish and the platter as one image:





Some other Carpmas themed thaumatropes to try:


Fish… in a lake or pond

Fish… in a bath tub

Fish… in an oven

Potato… in a pot

Or conversely, if you would like to try a more traditional thaumatrope design:

Bird… in a cage

Fish… in a tank

Rider… on a horse

Hat… on a head

Etc… Etc… Etc…



Friday, December 17th, 2010

We have been blessed with repeated snow and melt cycles resulting in a yard fulla that packed snow-product resembling styrofoam. The perfect conditions for this project!


  • cut out a carp shaped stencil on heavy paper, preferably card-stock, or better yet cardboard
  • squirt a table-spoon of food-colouring into a clean plant-sprayer
  • add a cup of hot water
  • place stencil on snow and squirt yourself some art

I chose to line my walk with this fishy design. I believe it says to the world:

Welcome! There will be fish served here!”

Stencil on Snow


If it looks as if I hurried, I did. It was minus 12 outside.

Authors note: Choose whatever colour you want… but I’d stay away from colours that occur in nature, such as yellow.